This recipe is a great side dish to any meal. For breakfast, try it piled on a plate with a fried egg on top.From the book "Mad Hungry" by Lucinda Scala...
This recipe, which is a perfect main dish for brunch, makes enough for one quiche baked in a nine-inch springform pan, or two quiches baked in eight- or...
These Pumpkin Doughnut Muffins capture the essence of doughnuts with their cakelike interior and sugar-coated exterior. Flavored with pumpkin puree, they...
In this nourishing frittata, frozen broccoli is used for convenience and since it is preserved at peak freshness, you'll also get the maximum nutritional...
So easy, you might decide pancakes are just convenient enough to eat for dinner. For a change of taste, you can add fruit, like berries or bananas, and...
For a heartier take on banana-nut bread, spread a mixture of bananas, brown sugar, and walnuts between slices of golden brioche before battering and frying....
See our step-by-step guide to making popovers, and try all of our popover variations: Basic Popovers, Gruyere-Thyme Popovers, Dark Chocolate Popovers,...
This versatile dish goes from brunch buffet to dinner table in a snap and is great with a leafy green salad. The flaky crust and custard filling make it...
A new take on an old favorite, this modern riff on the apricot-cheese Danish skips the complicated layered dough of the original for a simple focaccia...
A tender pie crust plus a savory filling add up to a delicious and classic ham-and-cheese quiche for brunch. The key to this gluten-free recipe is the...
Swap toast for taters! Go gluten-free with roasted slices of sweet potato you can make ahead and reheat in the toaster oven. These toasts are nutrient-dense...
Both sweet and savory, this make-ahead brunch entree is stuffed with ham and Gruyere cheese and served with maple syrup. This family-friendly dish goes...
Most granola is packed with lots of fat and little nutrition. This version has goodness in every bite and is low in fat. Serve with a dollop of plain yogurt...
For this big-batch drink, mix everything but the vodka together ahead of time and allow the flavors to mingle. Let guests customize their Bloody Marys...
Jook is a type of rice porridge that's popular in many parts of Asia. Our chicken version can be made up to two days in advance. Cool to room temperature,...
Stollen's richness is similar to that of brioche, but dried fruit makes it sweeter and gives it a more interesting texture. Serve this rich holiday treat...
Tired of pizza to go? Bake up pies that rival your local pizzeria's when you keep this easily made dough on hand. Try this versatile base in our recipe...
The dough can be made the night before and then formed into rounds just before the party. Set out a variety of toppings in bowls, and let guests assemble...
Coddling is a gentle steaming method that yields a tender egg. The eggs are cooked individually in coddling cups-ceramic cups with screw-on lids available...
Even people who dash off most mornings without breakfast will sit with family during the holidays to linger over a warm muffin and a steaming cup of coffee....
These classic bakery treats couldn't be easier to make at home. Simple swaps take them in new directions, so try Cream Scones with Currants, Chocolate-Coconut...